Monday, March 3, 2014

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

You've heard the song.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do.

Boy is it.

As I posted recently, the healthy lifestyle thing has had it's challenges.

I discovered as we learned of Doug's cousin-in-law's passing, that I dealt with sadness by...... wanting. to. eat.


I knew stress could do that, but this was different.

As I cried and thought about the situation, I simply wanted to dive into a pan of brownies or a big bag of chips and dip.


It hit me.  Breaking up with my old eating habits; my love of junk food; my desire to munch is hard to do.

In just the last week, I've caved to a pizza dinner where I ate 2 pieces of pepperoni pizza.  Followed the next day by eating nachos and cheese at the carnival - simply b/c they were cheap and easily accessible.  Then on Sunday I had too many carbs, no fruits or veggies, AND a piece of the rose cake I made at our church fellowship dinner.  Finally Monday for dinner I made taco salad and allowed myself a second bowl PLUS an extra handful or two of corn chips.  All this after almost a month of 'standing firm' and 'staying the course' with healthy eating and avoiding temptations.


As I sat and watched one of our children eat a bowl of cereal, I fought the urge to grab the biggest bowl we own and fill it full with the crunchy goodness of corn pops and milk.


I didn't.  I stood firm.

I've done better since these 'slip-ups'.

I didn't have to fight the urge to make a batch of cookies or fudge simply so I could stand there and scarf the entire pan myself.

I more easily coaxed myself into doing my Biggest Loser Bootcamp video 4 days this week.  (Granted, my legs killed me most of the week, but I felt so much better once I'd accomplished that task. Stronger.  More confident.  Empowered.)

I understood this journey to health would be challenging.  I knew there'd be days I'd want to give up. Days I'd crumble and eat poorly.

I knew that 'Breaking Up Would Be Hard To Do'.

But..... I'm NOT giving up.  I'll stay the course.  Techno is worth it.  My 6 beautiful children are worth it.  I'M worth it.

After all, I AM fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God.  

This body of mine?  It is HIS temple.  It's my responsibility to care for it the best I can.

That's my aim.  My goal.  

As I break up with my old habits, I may lapse into them once in a while, but each day is new.  Each day I have a choice to make.  I can make the right choice after a relapse.  I just have to be cautious and not have a full collapse.

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