Our first 'official' field trip in Wyoming was initially cancelled due to icy roads closing the highway that would take us to the Harvest Farm.
An impromptu visit to the Geological Museum at the University of Wyoming was our substitute -- although not an equivalent one in the minds of the children.
(Mine either, really.)
Excitement filled the air when we discovered the field trip to the farm was rescheduled!!!
Fri morning we packed a lunch, grabbed our directions, loaded into the car, and away we went.
The corn was short so I guess it became a minnie maze. |
The corn maze was our first adventure.
We're heading in. |
From above - finding their way. |
Next we took a few 'fun pics'.
The giant rocking chair. |
Even the mom's got in on the fun. |
Then the kids jumped on/off hay bales.
Decisions, decisions. Do we jump or not? |
Definitely better than jumping. |
Maybe sliding down is better. |
Wait for me!!!! |
Up, up..... and..... |
......away!!! |
Petting the goats and feeding them leaves and grass were high on the favorites list.
Awww... he's so cute! |
Petting a goat is so much fun - whether they
want to be pet or not. |
These guys were happy to be pet. |
The rabbit town was a big hit, although all the kids REALLY wanted to pet and hold those furry little critters.
{Not to mention bring one home!}
Look how cute! And the little houses? |
Such a fun idea. I want a bunny town. Wait, did I just say that? Shhhh..... don't tell the kids. |
The petting zoo filled with goats and calves brought tons of smiles.
I'm pretty sure he wanted to eat her map. |
Who knew a calfs fur was so soft. |
I'm sensing a theme in which children like
the critters most. |
Popcorn and pigs..... |
Feeding pigs popcorn, going on a barrel train ride, catapulting corn, and smashing pumpkins were also a huge hit with all involved.
....apparently quite the combination. |
A barrel train ride - what fun! |
Ready, aim, FIRE! |
Ladies first! She did a smashing job. |
Look at that determination. That pumpkin didn't stand a chance. |
Playing on the playground, in the 'corn'box, 'roping' pretend cattle, climbing the rock wall were all fun activities to burn off some energy.
Who wouldn't be thrilled finding a daddy-
long-leg spider? Ummm.. Me! |
Spiral slides. |
Little, but mighty! |
Not so challenging for the
big kids. |
Getting ready to rope. |
Buddies.... stick together. |
Doesn't he look like a natural cowboy?
All he's missin' is his hat. |
Nice form.... just needs a horse. |
Finally, to end our fun-filled day, a hayless hayride allowed us to see the expanse of the farm and all it's workings. The kids thought that was 'pretty cool'. One little girl on our ride asked if she could be hired so she could live there. Lots of laughter ensued.
The transfer of the wooly caterpillar for our hayride. Maybe Trinity is going to be our entomologist?
Spiders, caterpillars -- that's where the excitement lies -- who cares about cows, pigs, goats, and chickens? |
A fabulous time was had by all.
Trinity decided we need to get goats "NOW!"
{guess they are still pretty exciting - just not as easily accessible as creepy crawly critters}; Selah was convinced she would just 'stay and feed the goats' while the rest of our party enjoyed the hayride
{Yeah, NO!}; Charity would be happy to take any and all of the farm animals home.
She'd happily sit with these cute little kids all. day. long. |
One day soon little ones, one day soon!
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