Wednesday, November 20, 2013

We. Are. Homeless!

Well, that's not entirely true. We are just technically no longer homeowners.

WHOOOHOOO!  YEEEHAWWWW!  (Sorry, couldn't help myself.)

It may have taken 10 months, but the day finally arrived.

We sold our house.

In case you haven't figured it out, the closing went off 'without a hitch'.

I wondered how I'd feel to NOT own that home anymore.

In a word?


We loved that house.  It was great for a season of our lives. But... this past 10 months.... it caused stress. The memories we created while living there are just that.... memories.... that we carry in our hearts and minds.  We no longer NEEDED the house.  We had moved into a new phase - a new home - a new season - that didn't include THAT house.

So.... as the closing took place without our presence, I had no sad feelings.  No nostalgic thoughts and daydreams.  It. just. happened.

Now, we're here.  We're in Cincinnati.  Just minutes from our 'old' house.

On Friday, we're going over to 'meet' the new owners and drop off keys and some instruction manuals that go WITH that house, but managed to get packed and moved to Wyoming with us.

I wonder what THAT will be like?  Will knocking on the door, seeing someone else ANSWER the door, viewing someone else's belongings in what was once 'our' house, cause a different emotion?  A more sad reaction?

Or..... will we simply rejoice - yet again - that the house now belongs to someone else?  Someone who will love it as we did, for this season of THEIR lives.

Even if we do get a bit 'emotional'; if tears threaten; if memories come flooding back; I know one thing.....  I'm THRILLED to be 'house free' - homeless, if you will, at this point in time.

We'll miss the 'old neighborhood':  the caring neighbors, the 4th of July parade and picnics, the fall bonfires in the driveway, and the outdoor movie nights.  But, we're thrilled the new owners will now have an opportunity to connect with those very same folks; build similar and new 'traditions' in that community.

We're also looking forward to all the new adventures we'll have in our new rustic neighborhood.  Horses, deer, moose, maybe some goats and chickens.  It sure will look different, but the memories will once again be created.  Bonds will be made.

Home is where we are---- as a family ---- together!

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