Saturday, February 22, 2014

With Great Sadness

As I write, my heart is breaking.

Yesterday we received news that Techno's cousin's husband had had a heart attack or at least some sort of heart incident and was in the ICU.

Later that evening we got the call from Doug's dad that Jim had passed away.



Jim was my age.  He and Laura have 5 children similar ages to our children.

My heart wept as tears flowed from my eyes.

It's still very surreal.

I can only imagine the grief Laura is feeling.  How she must be reeling.  It happened so fast.

Life is precious.

Life is short.

Hold those dear to you close.

Let them know how special they are... today... now.  You never know what day is your last.  Their last.

As I awoke this morning, my heart heavy, I thought about all we had to do today.  It all seemed so insignificant given the situation.

Yet, it is our life.  I'll do laundry.  Techno will work.  The kids will do their chores.  We will go to the 4H carnival.  We'll have fun.  However we'll still remember. We'll still think of Laura and her great loss.

This made me think of how the rest of us - those who know and love this family - will continue.  Life will go on as usual, even though we'll remember, we'll mourn; but life won't necessarily be changed dramatically.  Not like it has already for Laura and her children, her family.

No, we won't forget.  But... it's different for us.

I'm glad they have HOPE!  The hope of eternity with Jim one day.

Yes, that hope is there, but the day to day - here on this earth - will continue to be hard. To be a struggle.

My prayer is all reading this would have the same hope.  The same knowledge that THIS life is not the end.  Eternity is available to all who believe in Jesus. To all who accept his gift of salvation.

This event was such a reminder that today is the day to make the choice.  Ask Jesus into your heart.  Don't delay.  You just never know if tomorrow is guaranteed.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Techno's cousin and her family.  May God's comforting arms embrace them during this time of grief and loss.

We love you, Laura!

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