Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Bald Bunny

As I mentioned before, we just purchased 3 mini-rex rabbits to add to our little brood of hippity-hoppity friends.

The other day the girls brought the smallest of the rabbits in to show me the fur on her head was 'thinning'.

It looked as though she may have been 'rubbing' it on something causing it to be scraped off.  Yet, we've not seen her do this and it happened literally overnight.

I was perplexed.

All I could say was 'we'll watch her and see what happens.'

There was no trauma other than losing some hair on her little head.

The next day, as I was dressing and brushing my teeth in the bathroom I could hear the girls outside in the rabbit hutch.  (It's literally located outside our bathroom/bedroom wall in the back of the house.)

Gasping, "OH NO!!!"  Followed by some garbled, indistinguishable words, then, "We need to tell mommy."

Upon hearing all this, I anticipated the appearance of at least ONE little girl.  I assumed if it were something tremendously serious there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

None of that happened.

Instead, as I walked out of our master bath and into the bedroom, there entered into our room 3 little girls, one holding little Mocha.

That bald spot on her head was now quite large.


The girls suggested that her cage mate -- you know, the cage I refashioned into 2 cages by adding a divider in the middle making 2 separate cages -- was possibly getting 'jabs in' from the other cage.

As I examined the rabbits bald spot I didn't see scratches or bite marks so I assumed that was the least likely culprit.

I still ascertained that she was probably 'rubbing her head' on her metal food dish or something.

Yet, considering myself a 'novice rabbit owner' (even after 2 years) I sent a quick message with pictures to 2 'experts' in the rabbit arena.

Immediately one responded asking if her cage was 'joining' another rabbit's cage where they could possibly 'reach' one another.

Why yes it does. Why do you ask?  LOL!

Apparently a more dominate rabbit will 'pull fur' off of the submissive rabbit JUST. LIKE. THIS!


The girls were 100% correct in their assessment of the situation.

Who'd a thunk it, right?

Temporarily we have moved little Mocha into one of the carrier cages and I'll be purchasing some metal, white plastic, or a board to put up as a barrier between the cages in the very near future.

The things you learn.

Seems running a mini-mountain-menagerie is all about trial and error.  At least we keep on learning.

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