Thursday, October 5, 2017

Bathroom Organization

After our little fire mishap, I emptied the hot water heater closet and stacked all it's contents into the main area of the bathroom with plans to deal with everything soon.

Well, a day turned into two; turned into a week; turned into a couple weeks.

How did THAT happen?  Wasn't that fire just yesterday?  LOL!

I decided to tackle the beast that is 'THE KIDS' BATHROOM'!

I found a plastic 7 drawer storage system to put into the closet.

Filtering out what to put in there and what not to took the most time.

I tossed, reassigned, organized, cleaned the entire closet and it's contents.

Bins for cold medicines; pain and fever reducer; tummy troubles; hot/cold treatment; first aid; lotions; travel toiletries; peroxide (as we buy it by the gallons due to the potential skunk sprays our dogs often suffer).

Then I tackled the under sink areas.  I'm never sure why these areas get so disastrous; there's really not that much stuff in these cupboards.

The biggest mess was the kids toothbrush drawer.

As I pulled out the drawer I was struck by the shear number of toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, and floss containers housed in this tiny, unassuming drawer.  Granted w/6 kids, there's bound to be a lot of toothbrushes, but I swear there may have been close to 20 odd toothbrushes in this space.  Travel type; battery operated; little kid ones; regular ones; unopened ones.

I called the kids to 'claim' their most recent toothbrush that they received from the dentist just days before and began tossing the rest.  If they were open or not an obvious 'travel' toothbrush -- they were pitched.

Then the toothpastes -- I kid you not, there had to have been 5-6 full sized toothpaste tubes in various states of use.  All open; none 'empty'.  That doesn't even begin to cover the myriad of travel tubes that were in this small drawer.  I took all but 2 tubes - one adult; one kid variety - and put them in the closet in one of the drawers with the 'extra' toothpaste that's not been open to date.

Phew!  I guess we need to revisit the idea of not opening a 'new' package of something before the old one is gone.

Similar to the toothbrush drawer, I noted the ledge of the bathtub was riddled with bottles of body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and face wash.  Granted, the littles use a little bit different soaps than Bethany and Elijah chooses not to use the flowery scents the girls like.... but.... still.....

Once again, the entire ledge was COVERED in bottles.  Most, if not all, still 1/4 - 1/2 full and another of it's kind already opened and more full.


Still, I was thrilled to have that task complete and now know there's another 'teachable' moment upon which to capitalize .

Gotta find the positive, right?

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