As many who've read my blog know, we moved to Wyoming in Dec of 2012 and put our house in Ohio on the market in Jan 2013.
We knew the timing was 'rough'. Most houses
DON'T sell the best in the dead of winter.
However, we also felt God had 'paved the path' for us to move to Wyoming in that
specific timeframe.
Much prayer, thought, discussion, counsel, shock, tears, laughter, planning, packing, and sweat went into our decision to move when we did.
So.... month after month, I'd find myself waffling between doubting our decision and trusting God that we'd done what he had called us to do.
At one point, just as I hit rock bottom in my weariness in thinking our house would NEVER sell, we got on offer and accepted it.
The only problem was it was contingent on the buyers house selling.
Still.... I was G-R-E-A-L-T-Y encouraged. God knew I needed a little lift, a little sign, to renew my 'active' faith; my trust; my leaning on Him.
Then....... More months of waiting..... Waiting.... Waiting.
It took some time for the buyers to get their house ready to sell.
Then it took some
more time for their house to be 'visible' and get some showings.
Finally, just a few weeks ago, we got the message.
They. Had. An. Offer. An offer they'd consider. "In the ballpark", the e-mail read.
It's here I have to admit, once again, God came through despite my fickle faith. It had wavered time and time again. He knew in my heart I trusted he'd sell our house, but he also knew how fretful I could become as bills came in, checks went out and still..... our house in Ohio..... sat..... empty. Us still paying the full mortgage and utilities. All the while 'living life' here; paying for new propane tanks; the septic system to be flushed; the office to be transformed.
I had begun praying, feeling God would answer, before we knew our buyers house had sold. I prayed the house would sell and be finalized before or during our trip to Ohio in Nov. I prayed we could be 'done with it' so as not to have to go back to the house on our next visit -
at least not as owners of that home; to not feel the sting of the 'should of's/could of's' as we walked through the still empty house; to not have to continue paying the neighbor boys to mow; to not have to continue paying to run electricity to a house not in use; to be able to close the book on that chapter of our lives in that house.
After getting the e-mail that the buyers 'might' take the offer. I THANKED God. I PRAISED God. I MARVELED at his grace.
Then.... another message. They
ACCEPTED the offer. Their buyers would like to aim for a closing on or before Nov. 15.
Amazing. God in action, yet again.
Our travel dates we have tentatively set??? We would leave Wyoming on the 16th of Nov. (following Jacob's college tour of UW), arriving in Ohio on the 17th..... late.
Who else could arrange such timing? Yep, only GOD!!
This journey is not yet over. We have just completed the inspection. Work needs to be done.
Fortunately the buyers house inspection went marvelously. Closing needs to be finalized on both houses. Yet, I'm confident in God's power. In His grace and mercy.
How couldn't I be?
He's shown himself every. step. of. the. way!!
He holds us in His hand. He's had a plan all along. We prayed the right family would be brought to our home in Ohio. We have no doubt this is what God wanted to happen.
Closing a chapter. - bittersweet. This house was such a blessing for a certain season of our lives. |
One day, it'll be amazing to see WHY. WHY it took so long. WHY other potential buyers fell through, dropped out. WHY we had to go through 10 months of paying a mortgage on a house we weren't living in.
But, I'm reminded of Job -- who am I to ask WHY of my God? He. Knows. Best!!!
His best is so much better than anything I could ever
imagine. His timeframe is always right. Never late, never early. Just Perfect!
God brought us TO this house in 2006 and he moved us AWAY from this house in 2012! |