Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Button Memories

Unpacking all my sewing and craft supplies, I came across a basket of sewing accessories that belonged to one of Doug's grandmas.  When we moved here, we inherited some items Mom and Dad had left. Some of that was crocheting, knitting, and sewing supplies.  I had packed them away to be dealt with once my craft nook was prepared.

As I sorted and organized the various trinkets, I found a basket of buttons.


Oh the memories that came flooding back.

Initially I considered just 'tossing' the whole basket, but as I sifted through the multitude of shapes housed in that round wicker container, the memories changed my mind.

I recalled how I used to play with my mom's jar of buttons.  Sorting, sifting, organizing; pretending they were jewels; picking out my favorites; just dumping them out and putting them back.

Buttons. were. fun!!!

Such fond memories.

Over the years, that jar of buttons disappeared.  I stopped playing with those little round treasures.

Yet...... the memories remained.

{Maybe that explains my fascination with buttons at the fabric and craft stores.  I LOVE those bags of buttons they sell.  I'm so tempted to buy them each and every time I see them.}

As I rummaged through the button basket, discarding broken pieces, shreds of thread, and other unwanted items, I found myself reminiscing about my mom's 'button jar'.  At that moment, I made the decision to start my own such jar.

While placing the multi-faceted little prizes in what will now be my jar o' buttons, adding to them the buttons I have of my moms, I thought of all the fun my kids, most likely the littles, will have sorting, counting, matching, dumping, and filling these gems.

Maybe Bethany and I will use them in sewing projects.  Maybe Trinity, Charity, and Selah will choose some for eyes on their sock monkeys.  Maybe they'll be used in costumes we make.  Maybe the girls will pretend they're money or jewels from a lost treasure.  Maybe they'll just like doling them out - making sure each has their fair share.  Maybe some of those buttons will be the very ones I played with as a youngster.

Whatever it is...... I hope their memories of the 'button jar' will be as wonderful as mine.

Thanks, Mom, for letting me play with YOUR button jar those many, many years ago.

Who wouldn't think these are 'treasures'?

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