Thursday, October 24, 2013

College Visit

Yesterday we took Jacob for his second college tour.  It sorta felt like the first 'official' one as he has now actually applied to colleges.  Plus it's the first school we've visited that we had no prior knowledge or experience.

He's actually taken classes at Miami University (Hamilton branch) and we visited the University of Wyoming 2 summers ago.

This was different.  New.   REAL!    He's A-C-T-U-A-L-L-Y going to be going away to college next year.  He COULD go to THIS school.  Needless to say, it caused a bit of a lump in my throat more than once.  {However, I didn't cry AND I completely forgot to take any pictures. Doh!  Jacob is probably thankful - less embarrassing than having your mom pose you all over the place! :-)}

We drove the 3 hours to Golden, Colorado to visit the Colorado School of Mines.  Three hours away isn't TOO bad.  :-)

At first I was unimpressed with the campus.  "Very industrial looking," I stated, as we climbed out of the truck in this half-under construction parking lot.

I can't deny the views were still beautiful as we looked out away from campus at the mountains, but... my first impressions were less than grand.

We then headed toward the student center where we were to start our tour.

Things improved dramatically as we walked to the center of campus away from the parking areas.

The tour was well organized; our guide very knowledgable and personable; the campus pleasing; the presentation following - thorough.

Jacob was sold.

An engineering school!

EVERYONE there would have similar interests, be at a similar academic level.  They'd all be hunkered down to study because ALL the classes would be rigorous.

He was invigorated.

Then we met one-on-one with the recruiter.

Looking at his scores, "Wow, impressive!  Great GPA, wonderful ACT scores.  You should be getting your acceptance letter in December."  That was encouraging.

"What type of scholarships are available?",  we questioned.

"Oh with these scores and your grades," she gestured to Jacob, "you'll be eligible for the $12,000 scholarship that will allow you to have in-state tuition costs."

Wow, an 'automatic' $12,000 scholarship. That's awesome.

So.     We.      Thought!

Once accepted, an out-of-state student is welcome to attend the Colorado School of Mines for the mere price tag of.............. $47,000!!!!  


Granted, this does include room/board, tuition, fees, etc....... but.... still........

Even with a $12,000 scholarship, we're still looking at over $30,000 a year to attend.  OUCH!

Disappointment can't even begin to describe how I'm sure Jacob felt.

He even entertained the notion of going into debt because of the quality job he'd be 'highly likely' to obtain upon graduation.

Brainstorming about all the 'external scholarships' he could apply for filled his thoughts.

On the way back home, he checked his e-mail.  His acceptance letter to the University of Wyoming was waiting in his in-box.  He'll be contacted regarding scholarships as early as Dec or as late as Feb.


The <very high> potential of a full-ride at UW vs. major debt at the Colorado School of Mines - which offers very limited scholarship opportunities - especially to freshman.

A little research shows other universities in our area also have good engineering programs.

The recruiter at CSM indicated other colleges/universities have 'deeper pockets' and would most likely offer great incentives to a student of Jacob's caliber.

I guess this is.........   JUST.   THE.   BEGINNING!

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