Monday, March 23, 2015

A Diabetic Journey

What started as a wonderful 'family day' in Fort Collins -- Trinity and Bethany had a sewing clinic; we all went to lunch at HuHot (a favorite for many); some shopping at thrift stores; walking in the beautiful weather; an eye doctor appointment for Doug; a trip to Costco (also a favorite thing); and dinner at the Costco 'food court'. ---

Ended with an unexpected trip to the ER for Selah.

Over the last week and a half to two weeks, we'd noticed that Selah was drinking A LOT and using the restroom way more frequently than usual. Especially for her.

Making the trek from Fort Collins to home, she wasn't able to make the whole drive without an urgent stop to potty.  That was a big 'alarm' in our minds.

Techno-genius decided to check her blood sugar with his blood glucose monitor 'just in case' once we arrived home.  Up till now, we had thought her increased drinking was more from her being sick and having a dry throat from coughing.

Seconds after pricking her finger, the results popped up.  His meter reads up to 600.  It stated her reading was 'too high to register'.

A punch to the gut.  We weren't REALLY expecting that.  Or I guess we were HOPING against that?

We threw a few things into a bag, got her re-dressed (she had already changed into her PJ's for the night), and loaded the three of us into the car.

Thankfully, Jacob was home for spring break and could stay overnight with the kids if we needed to stay at the hospital for any length of time.

30+ minutes later we arrived at the hospital's Emergency Room entrance.

They whisked us right in.  (A perk of living in a small town --  not much competition for the ER.)

After talking with Techno (while I took Selah to the restroom), they immediately started an IV and took blood for tests.  Moments later with the results of her blood sugar around 580, they administered her first round of insulin.

This was real.  Our little girl was just given the diagnosis of early onset Type 1 diabetes.

I had cried off and on the whole drive to the hospital.  We knew there was really only ONE reason for a blood sugar to be THAT high.  We knew in our hearts what we were dealing with.

We didn't want to frighten her, but this knowledge was raw.  It was scary.  It's her new 'altered' life sentence.  It's not going to go away. She won't outgrow it.  She will have to deal with it the rest of her life.  She could have long term complications from it.

Emotions ran - and will continue to run - the gamut.

We feel blessed we were armed with the knowledge of diabetic symptoms to watch for due to Techno being a Type 1 diabetic as well.  That information took us to the ER early in the game BEFORE she got REALLY sick.

That same knowledge that guided us also causes a lot of sadness.  We KNOW what this life entails and it's hard to think of your child having to go through it.

One might think as a WIFE of a diabetic, that this diagnosis would be 'no big deal'. We've got this, right? We know what to do, right?  Yet, being a diabetic wife is WAY different than being a diabetic MOM.  The emotions are so different.  The sadness is deep.

Technology has come so far.  Treatment is SO much better now than 30+ years ago when Techno was diagnosed.  Compared to many other 'diseases' this is sorta 'mild', but it's still HUGE - especially to us as we travel these unchartered waters for Selah.

I'm thankful we have a God who will guide us through this journey.  I'm grateful for a wonderful pediatric endocrinology team to teach us all that we need to know to give her the best care possible.  I'm amazed at the medical advances and technology we have at our finger tips.

This journey is just starting.  I'm just so glad we have hope and a means to keep little Selah as healthy as we possibly can.


  1. Hi Liz - Greg and I are both Diabetic but Type 2 which is a different animal than Type 1. Just wanted to let you know that the most helpful thing I have done is to start eating greens for lunch every day. In 3 months with this approach my A1C went from 6.9 to 6.1, my doctor asked "what are you doing?" Glad for you that you have experience with this disease and are aware of how far treatment has come recently and that complications are not as inevitable as they used to be. If not already I recommend you join the American Diabetic Association because I have found support and great ideas from their website and magazine. Blessings on the journey! Hugs, Chris

    1. Thanks, Chris. I appreciate the information. Great idea to try to get her to eat greens at her lunch meal. Not that that will be an easy feat with her, but something to strive for. Doug is part of the ADA and I think we filled out papers to be part of the Juvenile Diabetes Association as well. We also signed up for some parent link thing. I'm hoping to also find some on-line support groups for parent with children with diabetes. It is a blessing to have the knowledge we already have, but still super overwhelming at the same time. I cannot even imagine how parents who have no prior knowledge adapt. It's a journey and we're in it for the long haul. Thanks again.


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